Don't get me wrong. I see guys popping up more and more in yoga classes, but I still find it to be a community dominated by women. So that got me to thinking... Why? Is it because of advertising? Massive Lululemon billboards displaying women bending like pretzels in the latest neon leggings? It certainly wasn't always this way. The earliest record of yoga was written by Patanjali, a man. So what got lost along the way? From the long trek from India to the United States, did yoga gain a reputation as a low impact workout practiced by tree hugging girls in tights? I'm not sure, but I wish it were more balanced.
I'm in a new relationship with a great guy. He's funny, kind, motivated... But he's also stressed to the max with work. Add on the normal stressors of living in NYC, an insane travel schedule, dealing with my two crazy dogs and this 34 years old man, who is in perfect physical shape, is on the verge of a heart attack! Knowing how yoga has transformed my life, I want to share my passion for yoga with others, especially those I love. As women, we know how happy yoga makes us and we want our boyfriends/fiancés/husbands to be happy too. We know how much it helps us deal with stress and we want them to have this tool as well. But no matter how great your reasons are ladies... Don't. Be. A. Nag. No really... Don't!
I learned this lesson the hard way. At 12 years old, I came home from school one day and proclaimed to my mom, who was cooking shepherd's pie at the time, "I am not eating meat anymore!" Almost 21 years later and I'm still a vegetarian, but it wasn't an easy journey. You see, as a teenager, I was so passionate about my beliefs in vegetarianism that I would shove them down anyone's throat who would listen (and those who didn't want to listen!) Well you know what happens when you shove your beliefs down someone's throat?... They choke.
So ladies, take a deep breath and OM it out! Maybe you're hoping yoga will make your husband less of a jerk (kidding) and maybe it will (not kidding)! But let him come around on his own time and maybe, just maybe, he will be rolling out a yoga mat next to yours before you know it.
Kalene Walsh
Certified Yoga Instructor/Personal Trainer
Certified Yoga Instructor/Personal Trainer
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