You cannot do everything in a day, so you must be selective about what you focus on.
Brian Tracy is a leader in time management and goal setting encourages you to think on paper when you are goal setting. It's a great tip to help you get what is in your head out on the page so that you can become clear on where you are going.
Here are my top 10 tips for writing your goals:
Pull out a clean writing pad and have your pen ready to go:
- Think about all the things you want to do, be, have and achieve in life, in career/work, in finance, relationship - whatever area you want to focus on - what do you want?
- Write every idea down now. Include your dreams, hopes, desires, aspirations - everything want to accomplish in life. Just get writing, don't edit, just write and let the list build;
- Review your list of goals and put a mark next to the top 3 or 5 goals that you know will provide you with the biggest impact for your time and effort;
- Write a completion date against each goal - when do you want to see this goal complete? This is an important part of goal setting, as it will add urgency to the tasks and you will know you have made a commitment to get it done by a date. It is no longer wishy-washy, it is now a solid goal that you will apply yourself to;
- This list will be your master list of goals. Keep this master list as a record and tick off the big goals as you accomplish them;
- Organise this list into an action plan. This is like mini-project managing your goals. Assign a priority to each task by thinking through what items need to come first and whether two or more tasks need to be completed at the same time;
- Put a deadline against each step so that you can see at a glance the dates that each task, activity or job must be completed;
- Take action on your goal right now! Don't wait, take an action that will get you moving towards fulfilling your goals;
- Tick them off as you go so that you can visually see the progress you are making;
- Discipline yourself to review your goals everyday. This will cement their importance in your mind and your subconscious will begin working on helping you get these important things done.
Once you have written your top goals up, you are ready to begin the process of chunking things down so you can tackle the goal, one baby step at a time.
Selina Shapland is an Australian Artist, Founder of Manage Your Boss, Co-author of Dave - The Bird Dude, a Small Business Reviewer and Podcast Interviewer. She specialises in building positive relationships and encouraging you to live your dreams in life and your career.
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