Master Servants are who Zig Ziglar described in his famous quote; " you can have everything you want in life, if you just help enough people get what they want out of life."
I love Zig!
He was one of those special people who could take complex ideas and reduce them down to their simplest forms.
Master Servants will continue to reap increasing amounts of personal fulfillment and professional success in 2014.
Because these high performance achievers get it! They get what Zig said.
They get that problems need solutions and everyone has problems...
In addition to that, we are all inn service in one capacity or another.
It just depends on whether you aim to be a Master Servant or a perpetual grunt...
Bringing solutions to a great many and reaping the rewards or grudging helping only a few and just barely eking out a living.
We all have a boss, sometimes several bosses.
Even Barack Obama has a boss: The U.S.A electorate!
Donald Trump has a boss: His investors and shareholders!
Beyonce has a boss: Her fans!
You and I have bosses, whether we are paid employees or self-employed.
Our employers and our customers and clients are our bosses.
We are all in the service industry and these high achievers get that.
It is imperative that we strive to provide superlative service if we wish to be at the
top of our chosen industry.
To become a Master Servant you must have high self-esteem which will enable you to:
- Get to know and appreciate yourself and what you have to offer
- Get along better with others
- Get more accomplished
Avoid the trap of false modesty and humility: Know your value.
Will Rogers said, "If you done it, it ain't bragging!"
Master Servants do not look down on being of service!
They welcome it as an opportunity to shine.
They aim to give excellent, value-added service, achieve it and then repeat it.
Master Servants accept that if earning money is how you keep score then what you do and how well you do it will always keep upping your score.
Will you become a Master Servant In 2014?
What is your service?
That is to say, what problem or problems are you solving for your employer, client or customer?
How well are you accomplishing this?
Could you do better?
That is another key trait of Master Servants; They are not afraid of mental and skills set self-examination.
Yvonne Finn writes for http://yvonnefinn.com an Internet and Affiliate marketing blog providing insights and resources for other online marketers. Visit to see some of her offers and suggestions.