- Change your game plan – instead of setting unrealistic goals to fall in love by Valentine's Day, aim for smaller goals such as going on a few dates with a few different people you meet through your matchmaker. Instead of looking for marriage and eternal love, date to extend your social circle and have more fun. Dating teaches us a lot about ourselves, and if you struggle to flirt or talk to people, this could be your chance to gain more confidence and broaden your horizons by meeting interesting people who may or may not end up being that special person.
- Update your dating profile – joined a dating service last year and haven't been back in a while? Now is a good time to update that profile. Add new photos, include your goals for the year (tone it down a bit so that you don't seem desperate however), and a new bio for where you are in your life. If there is anyone you never got around to emailing last year, now is also a good time to get in touch. See someone cute who looks interesting? Drop them an email. Check your messages too, and remind yourself why you joined in the first place.
- Make the circle bigger – aside from your matchmaker service, you can also get out and meet people in other ways. Take a cooking class, or join a running club. Take your co-worker up on their offer for coffee or drinks. Stop turning down invitations, and try to get out more. Not only will broadening your social circle help you improve your dating chances, but it will also add more value and balance to your life, which in turn makes you more attractive to potential love interests.
- Be kind to yourself – if you are starting to feel like you are never going to find love, or that no-one will ever want to date you, don't despair. Everyone goes through that lack of confidence at some stage. Think about it this way – you are simply out of practice right now. Sometimes, all it takes is a message from someone at your dating service to make you realise that you deserve to be happy. Stop letting the negative self-talks get to you, and start believing that you are worthy of love and happiness.

- Stay safe and be sensible – meeting someone new is exciting and fun, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't stay safe. It may sound old-fashioned, but leaping into bed after the first date is not always the best way to ensure a lasting romance. Getting drunk is also not a good idea. Not everyone is who they claim to be, and even those who seem nice may not have the best intentions. Take it slow, and be patient, and you will see matchmaker results soon enough.