If you dread going to work every day or have ever wanted to do the kind of work that made you feel good about what you do then this article is for you. Working in a career that helps others is the difference between looking forward to your job and forcing yourself to go to work each day. One great thing about careers that help people is that they will always be in high demand with available employment opportunities. Below I have listed a few of these rewarding jobs.
I can't think of a career that helps others much more than being a teacher. You are shaping the minds of the future and play a major role in a person's development. The downside is that teachers are under-paid for the type of work they do and its importance. It is without doubt that these people do their jobs for the satisfaction in helping others. The up-side is they have summers off and strong health benefits.
Health Care
Whether you are a nurse, home care giver, or administrator you're surrounded with opportunities to help people by working in health care. Doing the kind of work that provides comfort to people or increases their good health is very rewarding. Also, being a contributing factor to someone's well-being is among the most honorable of professions. Along with a rewarding type of work, health care workers are typically well-paid with good benefits.
Helping and improving a person's mental state can drastically change their quality of life. It's estimated that major depression affects over fourteen million Americans that are eighteen and over any given year. A psychiatrist can teach those depressed people how to manage their problems more effectively so they can live a happier life. This also includes couples with marital issues. Playing a part in keeping a marriage together sounds pretty rewarding to me. Like health care workers, psychiatrists get paid very well.
Law Enforcement
Law enforcement is a career in which helping people is mostly a by-product of the work performed. Keeping the streets safe from criminal activity is a way to help others on a large-scale. Police officers give a valuable service to entire communities and neighborhoods by risking their own safety for the sake of others. "To protect and serve" is their motto for a reason. However, like teachers, they are under-paid for the kind of work they do.
In conclusion, no matter what the salary is or how strong the benefits are, helping people is the most important thing we can do as a society. Getting paid for it is just a bonus. Most people who have a career in helping others didn't start because of the pay. They started for the rewarding feeling that comes from helping their fellow-men and women.
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