I just love the Koi-San people of the Kalahari Desert in Namibia and Botswana, in Africa. They live nomadic lives, but not randomly nomadic; each clan has a set pattern which is repeated each year, whereby they live in specific areas, one dedicated for each season of the year.
They do not war against anyone and they firmly believe that they must treat all people, animals, plants, Earth and all life with kindness and respect; as instructed by God. This reminds me of one of the Usui Reiki daily pledges, "Today I will be kind to and love all living creatures."
The Koi San people's belief is that Mother Nature must be given enough time, about a year, to restore herself to full abundance after they have lived in an area for a season. At the end of each season they move to another area, where they had lived the previous year, and to which they will return after each year. They gratefully and meaningfully thank Mother Nature every time they eat and drink anything. When they kill an antelope or any wild animal, they pray, asking Mother Nature to forgive them, to reassure her that this deed has not been for sport or intended as cruelty of any kind, but it is specifically for food or to make clothing or utensils. They then bless the animal and Mother Nature before skinning it, eating and using it.
As these people live in the Namib Desert, they are continually foraging for roots and they always thank Mother Nature for the roots they find to eat and for the water that they extract from these roots.
In the series, 'The Secret', the presenters strongly urge us to have an "attitude of gratitude" for what we already have. Could we possibly improve on these Koi-San people's attitude of gratitude to life, to God, and to the Earth? Or do 99% of us take everything that nature gives us totally for granted, presuming that the supply will simply continue? Some of us know that it won't, as the soil becomes more and more barren and the water supply becomes more poisoned and even totally depleted in some areas on Earth.
Since I learned of these people's attitude to life, when I eat anything I make a special point of thanking God and Mother Nature for it. I marvel at the wonder of its perfection, and how it is a gift from nature to feed and sustain me. One life, one energy and one creation.
Do you see what I mean? We're all part of one creation, made of one energy and created by the great One God. The Hoi-San people live the most beautiful lives of anyone on Earth; and they live in the Namib Desert where conditions are extreme, they certainly would be for most of us Westerners. They have dwelt there for thousands of years. Unfortunately they were recently rounded up and put in camps by the Botswana Government because the government wanted to use their land. They strongly opposed this with the help of a few legal experts, and have been given back a sizable piece of their naturally inherited land where many of them continue living in their traditional way.
Their love and respect for nature, in fact for all life, is phenomenal. I often wonder if this is not the type of lifestyle intended by God for all humankind. But we Westerners have wondered so totally away from it, living the unnatural lives that we live in towns and cities, doing what we do to entertain ourselves and lavish in the luxury lifestyles of our choice. We may believe that we have advanced in many ways in industry and technology, but we also need to remember that we have trashed our planet and hemisphere in the process. Is this evolution or devolution? I think it's the latter.
Hopefully these thoughts will inspire you to a higher consciousness whereby you can inspire humankind to an even higher revelation of the truth. I'd be very happy to communicate with all who feel inspired by this article.
Peace, harmony and love to you all - Shalom.
Vaughan Jones is a writer, editor and CEO at ONE Scribe. And he is the founder of the ONE Life-Love-Energy Foundation. Vaughan spent thirty years of his life as an accountant and business management consultant. After suffering heart failure he found spiritual consciousness in Reiki and he became a practitioner. Over the past fifteen years he has been writing, editing, and mentoring business owners.
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