The relentless onslaught of government betrayals appears to be awakening Americans from their apolitical slumber. As they become painfully aware of how they are being dictated to, hobbled, and silenced, they are also astonished to know there are more regulatory departments restricting their lives than there are members of Congress who are willing to protect their constituents' inalienable rights. They see that their congressmen's failure to live up to their oaths of office transmute "equal justice under the law" into a disturbingly distorted myth, rather than a reassuring reality.
A senator, whom I question often about the constitutionality of his legislating against the will of The People, retorts like clock-work that government is charged with Americans' general welfare. Had he studied the Federalist papers, he would have understood that, as a servant of The People, he is charged with protecting The People's freedoms, as delineated in the Bill of Rights. Oddly, he appears to be blind to the fact that the government's role in securing their general welfare (a concept which he grossly misinterprets), simply, but firmly, refers to those limited legislative powers itemized in Article I of the United States Constitution, as well as the Federalist papers, which discuss the Founders' intention substantiating those powers.
Duty bound to rebut, I have countered to the senator that "general welfare" was never meant to be the linchpin to redistributed wealth (that which is extorted from those who earn it and handed to those who do not). I have repeatedly reminded the august senator that general welfare solely refers to the most fundamental needs of a free and independent people, so they may be free to pursue their own individual happiness unhindered. Those fundamental needs boil down to secured borders, protection from enemies foreign and domestic, free interstate commerce, and fair taxation. These are the umbrella needs of a free people, which provide them uplifting opportunity to make their own way. I then remind my non-representative senator that long-term welfare payments generally kill the work incentive of those who might otherwise enjoy the dignity of providing for themselves. Sadly, the senator remains steadfast in his utopian dream world.
For decades The People have cried out against corrupt governance, but with little avail. Today they writhe in pain and fear of what the socialist Obama Care act portends for our personal lives and the instability of our now-fragile nation. This administration intentionally acts against The People's stated will. It is now common place to have airborne drones surveilling our activities from above. Insultingly, the despots parrot that the National Security Administration fully complies with the fourth Amendment. Our cavalier IRS denies any wrongdoing to the allegation of its targeting conservatives (otherwise regarded as the illegal tampering of our last presidential election).
We are being fed lies from the highest federal authorities about the Benghazi slaughter of American citizens, and the Fannie Mae coercion of our bankers that resulted in the completely avoidable housing market collapse of 2008, because of which we scurried like frightened mice, as our imperial president dismissed the shareholder rights of law-abiding investors, in favor of his supporters. We are denied free choice when it comes to our children's education. Conservative Constitutionalists have been branded as terrorists, while - my personal favorite - jihadists and communists (sworn enemies of our Nation) have been installed within our federal government. Holding true to his boss' modus operandi, Holder has recently advised state governors to feel free to enforce only those laws of which they approve. As a further insult to all Americans, Holder decries the racist injustice of voters having to show their personal photo I.D.s, while we are still reeling from the DOJ's dismissal of the case against the New Black Panthers for 2008 voter intimidation.
Stunningly, We, The People, have allowed ourselves to be pitted against our fellow Americans, heeding the left's cries to ensure equal rights according to one's skin color, sexual preference, and genitalia. That guy in the Oval Office is certainly keeping his word; he is seeing to it that our shining city on a hill is being transformed through the manipulation and selective enforcement of national law. Compiled with his most recent decision to defang America by decreasing its military forces to dangerously low pre-WWII levels, this sly Marxist in Chief is achieving his dream of reducing our international status to mediocrity, and placing all Americans in unnecessary jeopardy.
All these are sins against a trusting nation, and I did not even mention the impending economic collapse caused by an insatiable appetite to appease by spending money we do not possess. Even more frightening, our legislative branch refuses to rein in this exalted executive officer in order to stop his lawlessness. Further, his majesty's cabinet appointees rule us as haughtily and incompetently as King George III did, until that sea-changing day in 1776 when we said "Enough!"
As law-abiding Americans, we are morally charged with the civil responsibility of thwarting these anti-American actions. Gratefully, the Founders foresaw the oppression and obliteration of the Constitution as potentially quite real. Not so much because they were soothsayers, but because they lived within the very same circumstances in which we find ourselves today. They fought vehemently amongst themselves, but, ultimately, set their conflicting ideologies aside. In deference to securing our shining city on a hill for future generations, they did come to terms on how each generation might be equipped to defend itself against an all-too-powerful ruling class. That defense is Article V of our most exceptional Constitution. Our Founders repeatedly warned us about an ever-growing, tyrannical government, which, if not held in check by its people, could be relied upon to one day destroy all Constitutional rights.
We must carefully review what we, as a nation, have endured at the hands of power-hungry, dishonorable men. By understanding why we are where we are now, and what lies ahead, we equip ourselves for strong remedial action to more soundly secure our shining city on a hill. Realizing that most of our representatives care little that they pledged to protect and uphold our Constitution, and that they hold office merely to deceive and connive in order to enrich themselves, we can no longer trust that a supply of fresh blood in the Senate, House, Oval Office, and/or Supreme Court will return us to Constitutional adherence. Although these replacements are critical, the only way to secure our chances of putting our Nation back on a solid track is to simultaneously embark on the road to America's next Convention of States. Planned wisely, that Convention will serve as the vehicle by which to reverse the left's morally twisted exploitation of our sacred rights.
Patricia Birren-Wilsey, author, freelance writer, and editor - http://www.patriciabirrenwilsey.net - My services illustrate excellence through honesty, reliability, and outstanding product. Please visit my website. I invite you to contact me from the "Inquiries and Signups" window.
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