There is a big deal about the toxins in the body. They got there by pollutants in the air and the food we eat.
Some toxins are good but most are not. We need a plan to wash the toxins out in an acceptable manner. Toxins do have a habit of building up.
The thing is that our body is capable to flushing itself. We poop and get rid of some. We sweat and get rid of some. It is an ongoing process.
Toxins also affect our health. We get colds and toxins build up. Our defense system fights the toxins and weakens the body leaving it open to diseases. Our immune system is compromised. It is s a constant battle.
Just what is a toxin? It has been defined as a poisonous substance produced with cells or organisms. It is introduced into the body by bacteria. It can come from the food we eat or the water we drink. Another way to get toxins is by tobacco products. You don't even have to be a smoker to be a victim of second-hand smoke.
From our food we get the toxins mainly in the preparation processes it undergoes. Also the food dyes and the other additives we seem to require in our foods tend to give us toxins. When we use processed foods we are adding toxins to the process that were not there before.
Our bodies do detox toxins. In our bodies we have a liver and kidneys that filter what we eat. We have the colon which can process the poop. We breathe and some carbon dioxide goes out. We sweat and the toxins come to the surface and leave the body.
Yet there is a benefit to doing a detox. How do we do that?
First we should be drinking a lot of water. Hydrate your body. We can be daily eating foods high in fiber. We should be exercising. This will cause you to sweat and you can lose some toxins this way. When you eat herbs such as garlic you help the process.
And sometimes you may need to use a detox supplement packet. You may need the help in the cleaning and restoration of the body to the natural state it was in when the toxins were eliminated.
With this information you can be informed and better able to control how to handle the toxins you will encounter.
We may not be able to keep the toxins out but we can help the body work as it should. Dane offers a detox supplement plan on his site. http://www.vitaminspower.com/therapeutic. Good health through vitamins.