Laser tattoo removal can be a rather delicate procedure in terms of healing correctly in between tattoo removal sessions and even after all your sessions are done. The reason it can be a bit delicate is because it is your skin; our skin can be tough and it always heals itself but if you do not let it heal correctly, then it may not heal correctly.
After receiving a laser tattoo removal treatment, you can expect to see some blistering and scabs to occur starting around 8 to 72 hours after the laser treatment; it all depends on your skin. Despite having blistering and scabbing, if you let the skin heal as it should, the chances of getting scarring are very minimal. So what are some things you can do to help let your skin heal as it should and not have scarring or complications when healing, according to our Chicago tattoo removal doctor, Dr. Justin Macariola.
The first thing you can do is to get some over-the-counter antibiotic ointment (something like Neosporin is great), which is fantastic because that is something we provide you with at our studio. Use the ointment three times a day and keep your removal area covered with an approved bandage for the first three days after each session. Once the initial three days have passed, remove the bandage and let the removal area breathe! Why? It will help the area remain dry and prepped for the next treatment session. Scabbing may occur and can look gross but do not be afraid and do not cover it up with bandages. Also, do not freak out if you get blisters; they are part of the healing process and will heal on their own.
The second thing you can do is not pick scabs, pop blisters, or interfere with the healing process. If you get a scab or blister, be like The Beatles and let it be. Picking scabs and popping blisters can result in infection since you are exposing vulnerable areas when they are not ready.
The third thing you can do is take a pain reliever like Tylenol, and use an ice pack if you are experiencing discomfort 24 hours after each session.
The fourth thing you can do is to wear sunblock if you are going outside in the warm weather months (and you are doing your removal sessions still) for at least three months after each session. The sun is great and all but not for helping your removal area heal appropriately. Contact your removal doctor about what kind you should use to make sure you do not use one that can irritate your removal area.
Wait until at least 2 hours after each session to take a shower; avoid baths. When you do shower, do not use pulsating water, go for a gentle stream.