Your thoughts have a direct impact on your emotions. Your emotions determine your well being. Your emotions determine whether you are happy or unhappy. Your thoughts determine whether you feel good about yourself, others and the world.
The people you think about become the most important people in your life. The events or things you think about become the most important events and things in your life. So, if these people, events or things make you feel unhappy, angry, hateful, worried or agitated, they are negative. If they make you feel happy, balanced and good, they are positive.
You can control your thoughts. To control your thoughts, you must assert control over your thoughts and your beliefs. You must adopt open and positive beliefs. Open and positive beliefs lead to positive thoughts. Negative and rigid beliefs lead to negative thoughts.
You can change your beliefs and thoughts through application of your conscious will and intent to the task. As you consciously adopt positive and open beliefs and change your thoughts from negative to positive, you will feel more positive, balanced and happy.
Negative thoughts are thoughts that generate anger, fear, hate and jealousy. These emotions felt on an on an ongoing basis and related ongoing thoughts, lead to depression and anxiety. They also will drain your energy, the energy you need for life and happiness.
Positive thoughts are thoughts that make you feel happy and good about your self, others and the world. They are thoughts that make you feel balanced and peaceful. To change your thoughts and thought patterns, you must be mindful of your thoughts and emotions. Mindfulness enables you to monitor your thoughts and emotions. Then, you must consciously apply your will and change them from negative to positive.
Positive thoughts require open beliefs and an open mind. This requires you to let go of rigid and narrow beliefs and change them to positive and open. You then use your mind more for observation and tasks and less about judging and analyzing people. Positive thinking requires you to forgive self and others and to let go of past wrongs and the grip of past traumas and injuries. Positive thoughts require you to adopt positive beliefs about yourself and the world. This may be difficult especially if your life experiences and authority figures in your life taught you otherwise. But, there are many ways to look at yourself and others. Begin to look at "failure" and "injuries" as lessons and nothing more. Then let go of them. This is important for positive thinking.
Rigid beliefs lead to negative thoughts. This is because rigid beliefs lead to opinion and judgment thoughts. This is especially true with respect to rigid opinions and beliefs about self and others. Opinion and judgment thoughts lead to negative emotions because they empower ego and a feeling of superiority. This ultimately leads to angry and even hateful thoughts. These thoughts may lead to angry and hateful acts and speech, which brings in a lot of negativity. So, for positive thoughts and positive thought patterns, it is essential to open your mind, let go of negative and rigid beliefs and stop ongoing opinion/judgment thoughts. Become more of an observer and suspend judgment and opinion to the extent possible.
Go with the flow. Avoid clash of wills and conflict. This leads to negative thoughts and negative thought patterns. Accept others for what and who they are and what they believe. Do not try to change them. Your efforts to change others will lead to negative thoughts. The only person you can change is yourself. So, focus your efforts on that task.
The conscious mind is affected by subconscious beliefs. So, for positive thinking and positive thought patterns, it is essential to change your deeply held beliefs from "negative and rigid" to "positive and open/flexible." Likewise, it is essential for you to adopt positive and kind beliefs about yourself and purge conscious and subconscious memories of the painful past and past injuries. This will quiet the negative and critical inner voice and replace it with a kind and positive inner voice.
In order to change beliefs and open your mind, do the meditation and visualization exercises and positive affirmations described below.
Positive thinking requires you to open your heart and fill yourself with unconditional love. This leads to an ongoing feeling of inner peace and happiness. It is difficult to have positive thoughts when you feel bad. So, it is important to cultivate ongoing feelings of peace and happiness. These wonderful feelings you will experience in your heart and torso. This is done by the meditation and visualization exercises described below and by purging negative emotions you may be holding onto - i.e., anger, fear, anxiety, sadness and guilt.
Thoughts that make you feel agitated, angry, afraid, depressed, hateful or jealous are negative thoughts. If you feel agitated, then change your thoughts. Otherwise, stop your thoughts altogether and be in the moment. When you experience life in the moment, you will stop negative thoughts. When you experience life through your senses and not through your thoughts, you will be more happy, balanced and peaceful.
Positive thoughts are thoughts that are focused on positive and productive activities such as work, errands, studies and enjoyable events. They are thoughts that are focused on loved ones and how to make loved ones happy. Negative thoughts are often thoughts that are focused on the painful past, the anxious future or the people who hurt you. These negative thoughts crowd out thoughts about the positive, kind and loving people in your life and happy memories.
Positive thoughts tend to be focused thoughts. Negative thoughts tend to be unfocused thoughts. Negative thoughts tend to come from the side and back of the head. Positive thoughts come from the middle of the forehead. Thoughts become unfocused and then go negative if we do not control them. Unfocused thoughts often lead to a negative inner voice. This negative inner voice is often critical and judgmental toward self and others.
Positive thoughts are focused thoughts related to details, specifics and processes. They are not thoughts about results. They are focused on positive and productive endeavors and activities - work, hobbies, errands, celebrations, vacations, etc. They are not thoughts about "what if" scenarios and future possibilities. They are not thoughts about revenge or getting even.
Positive thoughts are focused, centered and balanced thoughts. They are thoughts focused on the moment and on task. Of course, they can be focused on plans. But, this focus would be on composing and implementing plans. This focus would be on the details and specifics of plans. Positive thinking includes thoughts related to the development and execution of plans related to work, errands, hobbies, vacations and celebrations.
Negative thoughts are ego-oriented thoughts. The ego-oriented thoughts that are negative are self -oriented thoughts that make you feel unhappy or bad. These include thoughts in that judge self or others, thoughts that make you feel like a victim, feel self pity, feel fear or feel anger or hate. They include thoughts about controlling, hurting or deceiving others. To be a positive thinker one must elevate soul over ego in governance of self. Meditation and visualization will help achieve this. This will subdue ego and at the same time it will subdue negative thoughts, negative thought patterns and a negative inner voice.
To have positive thoughts, positive thought patterns and a positive inner voice, you need to assert control of your thoughts through application of your will. The locus of your will is the middle of your forehead. The middle of you forehead is the place where you focus your thoughts. The middle of your forehead is the place where you control your thoughts. Focus on the positive and still the inner voice.
Unkind and deceptive acts and speech lead to negative thoughts. So does hurting, deceiving and slandering others. To achieve positive thinking, control your words and acts as well as your thoughts.
As mentioned above, what and who you focus on become the focus of your thoughts. Your thoughts then determine your emotional state. But, you have the power to control and focus your thoughts. You just need the will and the tools to make it happen
Here are some tools:
Distract and substitute
When negative thoughts come in, distract and substitute. Your mind can only focus on one thing at a time. When it comes to negative thoughts, work with Substitution and Distraction. Substitution - Substitute positive thoughts and images for negative ones. Switch to thoughts about or images of positive, happy and loving people in your life. Alternatively, focus on pets or scenes that make you feel positive and happy. Distraction - Distract yourself by bringing your mind back to the moment - i.e., substantive aspects of work, process and details of things we encounter in the moment. Focus on the moment with full attention and awareness. Do not analyze or judge. Do not focus on results. Do not focus on the past or future. Stay in the moment. Observe and focus on details, process and substance. When in the moment, do not let thoughts take you somewhere else, whether it is the past, the future or another place. Each time they do, re-focus on what we are doing and where you are in the moment. Do not let thoughts rob you of the precious moments of life.
When negative thoughts come in, do the following when negative thoughts come in: smile, close your eyes and do some deep breathing exercises. Breathe deeply into your heart or abdomen and focus only on your breath. Alternatively, stop thinking altogether. Put your hand over your heart and shift your energy there. Now, just be in the moment. Fully experience the moment in your body center and your senses and not in your thoughts. Become an observer. Suspend judgment or analysis of what you encounter in the moment. Just encounter it.
Distract the negative thoughts with music, prayer and mantras. Focus on lyrics, prayers and words. By focusing on music prayer and mantras, your mind will not be able to focus on the negative thoughts. Focus on others who you encounter with some positive words and conversation, some kind words and acts.
Instead of thinking about someone who hurt you or someone you do not like, substitute positive thoughts and images of people or pets you love, who are happy and make you happy. If you are thinking about a negative and painful event or place, then substitute images of beautiful places and happy memories. Smile and hold these positive thoughts and images for awhile. Alternatively, call a friend or family member and chat with them. Fully engage with people and pets. Get into nature and breathe nature deeply into your lungs, smile and enjoy the beauty of nature. Smile gently. Life is good.
Center, ground and focus
Sit comfortably. Focus on an object or symbol with your eyes open. Now, close your eyes and visualize that symbol in the middle of the inner screen in your forehead. Whenever a thought comes into your head, re-focus more intensely on the object or symbol. Negative thoughts and a negative inner voice come from the back and sides of the head. This exercise helps you develop focus.
Focus comes from the middle of your forehead. The middle of your forehead is the seat of your will and intent. Positive thoughts are focused thoughts. They are thoughts related to the details of positive things such as errands, work, studies and process. Through centering, grounding and focus, you can stop the negative inner voice and negative thoughts,.worried and angry thoughts and critical and judgmental thoughts about self and others. Through centering, grounding and focus, you can stop obsessive thoughts and ruminations. Distract and substitute or go to no thoughts. To do this, we must build up our abilities to be mindful and our will intent. We can then apply our will and intent to control our thoughts and to shift from negative to positive.
For grounding, sit comfortably with your eyes closed and your feet firmly planted on the ground. Take off your shoes. Visualize that roots or laser beams shoot out from your feet and into the earth, going all the way to the center of the earth. Visualize that they anchor you firmly to the earth. Now, with your eyes closed, focus your attention on the middle of your forehead and sit straight. Posture is important. Negative thoughts and a negative inner voice come in when we are un-focused and slouching. So, when you walk or sit hold yourself erect and center yourself in the middle of your forehead and in your heart or body center.
Visualize a big white sun where your heart is located. Close your eyes and put your hand over your heart and shift your consciousness and energy to that spot. Alternatively, visualize an orb of white light above your head and below your feet and visualize that a beam of white light shoots out from the orbs and the light beams meet at the center of your body. With respect to centering in the middle of your forehead, put your fingers on your forehead and shift your energy and consciousness there. Center and focus. To fortify your ability to center and focus, do directed or seed mediation set forth above.
Negative thoughts and a negative inner voice come from the sides and back of the head. Therefore, centering your energy and consciousness in the middle of your forehead is important to still the negative thoughts and negative inner voice. Be mindful of negative thoughts and a negative inner voice. When they come, switch to positive thoughts and images, positive affirmations, deep breathing exercises, centering yourself and staying focused in the moment. Live in the moment and your senses and not in your thoughts. Thoughts tend to always go negative when we live in them. Stop angry thoughts about the painful past or worried thoughts about the future especially. Just Be.
Positive affirmations, higher self and inner child meditation/visualizations
Positive thoughts come from positive beliefs and an open mind and heart. A positive inner voice will come when you cultivate inner peace, kindness, patience and happiness. Positive thinking requires us to love and honor ourselves and others and be kind to ourselves and others. This requires us to get rid of the judgmental and critical inner voice.
To cultivate a kind and positive inner voice, we need to stop beating ourselves up about the past. We need to let go of the painful past. The past is over and cannot be changed. To cultivate a kind and positive inner voice, we can change the future by changing ourselves in the now. This requires us to forgive ourselves and others for the past and let go of and detach from the past. We do this so we can move forward in a positive and happy state of mind.
An important aspect of positive thinking is to develop positive beliefs about ourselves. Positive affirmations are an essential way to do this. Positive affirmations include the words "I am" and an adjective. For example, we say over and over to ourselves "I am happy, peaceful and serene. I am love, loved and lovable. I am perfect just the way I am." There are many other positive affirmations. See YouTube for positive affirmation exercises.
Higher self and inner child visualization and meditation exercises will help build up your inner power, self confidence, self esteem and happiness. This is important to do to achieve a positive inner voice.
Higher self and inner child visualization and meditation exercises will help build up your inner power, self confidence, self esteem and happiness. This is important to do to achieve a positive inner voice.
To do this, you must connect and integrate with your higher self (i.e., your soul) and inner child. Your higher self/soul is all loving, happy, holy and peaceful. Your inner child is full of happiness, wonder, energy and fun. When we are fully connected to and integrated with our higher self and inner child, we feel happy, peaceful, complete and confident. We have high self esteem, a lot of energy and we enjoy life.
In meditation, visualize a pure white angel that looks just like you (but is happy, peaceful and full of love and white light). See an energy cord connect you to that angel from your heart. Visualize that angel (your higher self) now merge with you. Visualize you as a child playing and having fun. See an energy cord connect you to that child from your heart. Visualize that child (your inner child) now merge with you. Visualize that you hug that child and tell him or her that he or she is safe and to just have fun. Take a pillow and visualize that pillow is you as a child and hug it. Tell the inner child you love him or her. Now, become the loving inner parent to our inner child. Indulge your inner child everyday by allowing yourself to have fun and do things that make you happy.
Heart-melt exercise
Negative thoughts, negative thought patters and a negative inner voice come from past traumas and stress that we hold onto. Traumas and stress often cause a hard energetic shell to form around the heart (or heart chakra). This is done to protect us from ongoing emotional injury in a "cruel world." This then empowers our ego to govern self, leading to negativity. For positive thinking, we must melt this hard energetic shell around the heart. In meditation, close your eyes and visualize a hard gray shell around your heart. Visualize a white light orb above or in front of you. Visualize that this white light orb shoots out laser beams that blast the hard gray shell around your heart. Visualize the hard shell melt and your heart become pink, open, soft and vital.
Now do some white light meditation to restore your connection with soul and spirit. Sit comfortably or lie down. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Get relaxed. Visualize a bright white sun where your heart is and later visualize this bright white sun in front of you. Visualize that this bright white sun radiates bright white light in your entire body and head. Visualize that the white light fills up your entire body and head and creates an intact white aura all around you.
Clasp your hands together and visualize this white light goes out three to six inches to a foot from you. Now hold the visualized white light there with the intention of raising your vibrations. Visualized white light cleanses and heals the energy body and raises one's vibrations. Take a few seconds each day to visualize that you are filled up with white light and that an intact shell of white light surrounds you. This will help protect you from negative energy.
Over time, these exercises will work to connect you with soul and spirit. This will enable you to cultivate an ongoing feeling of love/peace, happiness and joy. This state of being will automatically cause your ego to be subordinated to your soul in governance of self. The result will be more positive thoughts. You will then substitute inner power, high self confidence and high self esteem for ego.
Meditation/visualizations to get rid of negativity
Negative thoughts, negative thought patters and a negative inner voice often come from negative energy that is stored in us at the cellular level. This stored negative energy often comes from stress and trauma from the past, especially from childhood. We hold onto these negative and painful events at the cellular level, in the subconscious mind. They are often responsible for changing our beliefs from (a) fluid, open and positive to (b) negative and rigid. Because of traumas and stress (especially childhood ones), we harden our hearts and believe the world is a dangerous place. Our ego and ego-centric thoughts step up to protect us. Instead, they only bring us negativity and unhappiness.
So, we must burn off the negative energy that holds these painful memories at the cellular level and in the subconscious mind. A good way to do this is to raise your body's vibrations through the violet flame exercise. Sit comfortably. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Get relaxed. Hold your hands open in a position of receiving from the Universe. Visualize a violet flame in front of you, like a campfire flame. Invite that flame into your body and feel it fill your body up from your belly to your throat. Feel it raise your vibrations as it burns off low vibration negative energy in you. Put citrine (high vibration crystal) over your heart or hold citrine in your left hand when you do this exercise. Citrine will help raise your vibrations. This will help burn off subconscious memories. So, you do not even have to bring these memories to the surface to get rid of their negative effect on you.
Here is an exercise to get rid of stored anger, fear, anxiety and painful and negative memories: Visualize the image of the painful event from the past or the image that worries you about the future. Close your eyes and visualize this image in a glass ball that hovers a few feet in front of you. Put your hands on this visualized ball and push it with force deep into the ground. Hear and feel the energy cords that attach you to the image snap and fall away. Do this over and over until the image no longer has an energetic grip on you and all related anger and fear melt away. As you push the ball deep into the ground say the following to yourself: "Into the ground, into the core go away, melt away, gone. Visualize a bright white sun where your heart is and later visualize this bright white sun in front of you. Visualize that this bright white sun radiates bright white light in your entire body and head. Visualize that the white light fills up your entire body and head and creates an intact white aura all around you.
Clasp your hands together and visualize that your heart is a sun of white light. Visualize that you send white light from your heart through your body Visualize that this white light goes out three to six inches to a foot from you. Now hold the visualized white light there with the intention of raising your vibrations. Visualized white light cleanses and heals the energy body and raises one's vibrations. This will help burn off stored negative energy.
Alpha, beta, delta and theta brain wave entrainment
These exercises can be found on YouTube. They provide sound therapy that will help bring brain waves and brain chemistry back to normal. This will help when it comes to positive thinking.
Cutting energy cords
The ego spins out energy attachments to people, things, substances and beliefs to fill a void. These energy attachments lead to unbalanced thoughts, obsessions, ruminations, lusts and addictions. As we build up the white light within and connect and integrate with higher self and inner child, the void disappears and we will not spin out these energy cords very much. In order to substantially reduce ruminations and obsessions and establish balance, it is important to cut energy cords. Energy cords should be cut with anyone or anything you have obsessive and ruminating thoughts about or ongoing negative thoughts about. This will help you achieve positive thinking and maintain inner peace, happiness and balance. So, to cut energy cords, do the following: Sit down and close your eyes. Visualize the energy cords that attach you to people, things, substances, ideas and beliefs that cause unbalanced or obsessive thoughts and addictions. Visualize them as cords connected to your heart and torso. With your weak hand visualize that you grab the cords. Then with your strong hand visualize that you cut them and sever them from you with a visualized knife or scissors. Visualize that the energy cords fall away.