Diet fast loses You kilo and a half in two days!

With us today Diet fast loses You half kilometers in two days for those who want a quick Bergam I think that there was no system faster than you eat with 3 full meals 

Saturday dinner  :

 - the fruit or half an orange big +100 gm grilled fish with salad and large shown 100 grams Fruit Salad

Sunday breakfast  :

 - 100 grams or sweetened fruit is small banana cross-section with a cup yogurt or a slice of bread with a teaspoon of honey bees 

Food : 

- 200 grams Roast Potato +200 gram beans +25 gm half creamy cheese + green salad + medium apple for desalination 

Dinner  :

 - 200 grams fish cooked in the oven after dressing with lemon. 100 gm boiled rice. 100 grams and 100 grams Islands another kind of boiled vegetables. Slices of pineapple juice than normal. 60 grams cottage cheese. 

Monday breakfast :

 - 150 grams of orange juice or grapefruit 25 grams cornflakes +150 gm skim milk 

Food  : 

- 25 grams cold meat or chicken breast. 50 g skim cheese. Large tomato fruit. 

Dinner  : 

- half a grapefruit fruit or half a large orange.
 Steak medium \ "without fat \" grilled.
 100 gm boiled potatoes.
 Tomato with grilled vegetables.
 100 grams of boiled beans.
 2 cups lemon juice. 

Note : 

This food as a whole is working to burn the amount of calories, which in turn lose a lot of fat .. and thus can repeat this system once a week .. amazing .. the results will come with a mind to maintain a balanced diet the rest of the week .


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